CBI Staff

Jerel & Merrily Hagerman
President of CBI

David & Haley Enos
Director of CBI

Joel Randall
Dean of Students

Galilee Smith Academic Advisor gsmith@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Sydney Stock Women’s RA sstock@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Geneva Gonzales JSCC Intern ggonzales@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Bekah Rose Worship Intern brose@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Shari Geisinger Secretary sgeisinger@calvarybibleinstitute.com

JJ Brock. Men’s RA jbrock@joshuasprings.com

Aaron Barrios Kitchen Intern abarrios@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Josiah Demaray IT/AV Intern jdemaray@calvarybibleinstitute.com

Landon Copfer JS Thrift Store Intern